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发布时间:2018-05-18 10:35:22    来源:精华作文网    访问:



frightened和frightening前者是表示主观感到害怕的 后者是表示一个物体使人害怕



scare scare[skZr,skær; skZə]及物动词1 使 (突然) 害怕,恐惧The sudden barking d him.突然的狗叫声吓了他一跳You d me!.你吓了我一跳2 a.把惊吓The accident d them senseless.那意外事件把他们吓昏了The sight of the body d him stiff.看到尸体使他吓僵 [吓呆] 了b.吓走The dog d away [off] the burglar.狗吓走了夜贼c.使害怕 [而做…] [into]; 使害怕 [而停止…] [out of]They d him into signing the paper.他们用恐吓的手段逼他在文件上签字His threats d them out of carrying out the plan.他的威胁迫使他们不敢实行该计画不及物动词(突然) 害怕,恐惧He s easily.他容易受惊scare up(美口语)费心收集,搜罗; 筹措; 调集 ; [凑合各种东西] 准备 [from]名词1 [a ] (突然的) 恐慌,惊恐have a 吓一跳,感到害怕give a person a = throw a into a person使人吓一跳,使人大吃一惊2 (C) (世人对错误的谣传等产生莫名的) 惊恐,(社会的) 恐慌,惶恐The rumor caused a war .谣传引起了战争的恐慌形容词(无比较级、最高级)(口语)使人害怕 [吃惊] 的,吓人一跳的a headline令人吃惊的报纸标题a story可怕的故事frighten fright.en[`fraItn; ˋfraitn]《fright 的动词》及物动词1 使突生恐怖之心,使…害怕,使…吃惊I"m so sorry I ed you.很对不起让你受惊了The rattlesnake ed me.那条响尾蛇吓了我一跳【同义字】frighten 使人突然害怕terrify 引起激烈的,无法自制的恐惧scare 使人突然畏惧2 a.恐吓[使做…][into,to]; 恐吓 [使离开…] ,恐吓 [使停止做…] [out of]They ed him into submission [telling the secret].他们吓得他屈服 [说出秘密]He ed his son out of the house [drinking].他使儿子吓得离开家 [不敢喝酒]b.把吓跑The alarm ed the thief away.警铃把小偷吓跑了afraid a.fraid[ə`frєd; əˋfrєid]《源自中古英语 "frightened" 的意思》形容词(more ; most )1 a.害怕[…]的,畏惧[…]的[of]There is nothing to be of.没什么好害怕的Don"t be .不要怕【同义字】afraid 指心灵为恐惧的情绪所控制,不论恐惧之原因是否真正存在,也不论为时之久暂,为表示不安、恐惧时最广泛使用的字;fearful 表示充满恐惧或不安,但常仅表示预期危险、失败或困难的忧虑,这种忧虑系源于胆怯或主观的担心,而与外在的情况无甚关系b.怕的,害怕的,畏惧的; 没有勇气的,怕得无法的She was to walk through the wood(s).她不敢走过树林Don"t be to ask me questions.别怕 [放心尽管] 问我c.担心…的,怕…的She was that he would beat her with the stick.她担心 [怕] 他会用棍棒打她2 a.担心 [挂念,怕,介意] […]的[of]Don"t be of making mistakes.别怕犯错b.担心 [担忧] 的,发愁的I"m (that) we shall be caught in the rain on the way.我担心我们在路上会遇到下雨He is of being late.他担心会迟到3 [I"m ,I am ,用于表达不理想之事、担忧之事或用于缓和语气] (无比较级、最高级)a.(感觉遗憾) 恐怕…的I"m it is not easy.恐怕不容易"Is he not coming "-"I"m not.".“他不来吗?”“恐怕不来”b.想You"re ill,I"m .我想你是病了4 a(口语)讨厌[…]的,怕[…]的[of]He"s of (even) a little work.他一点事都不愿做He"s of formal dinners.他讨厌 [怕] 参加正式的晚宴b.讨厌 [怕,不愿意] 的He is to pay money.他不愿意付钱fare[fZr; fZə]《源自古英语“去,旅行”的意思》名词1 (C) (火车、电车、公共汽车的) 车费,(船的) 船费(→price【同义字】)the train [taxi] 火车票价 [计程车费]a single [double] 单程 [来回] 票价→ carfareget one"s adjusted (请对方) 调整 [细算] 车资What [How much] is the to Dover?.到多佛的车费是多少?2 (C) (尤指付车资乘坐计程车等的) 乘客3 (U) (用餐时端出的) 食物good [coarse] 美 [粗] 食不及物动词1 (诗)去,旅行 forth on one"s journey动身 [启程] 去旅行2 (文语)过日子,日子过得 (好,不好)You may go farther and worse.(谚)走得愈远可能愈糟糕; 贪多不得好(劝人知足,安于现状)you [thee] well!.(古)再见!3 (文语)[对某人]进展 (得好[不好]) ,处境 (好,坏) [with]It has d ill [well] with them.他们过得不好[好]How did it with him?.他过得怎样?他好吗?



frighten作不及物动词时,被吓住She frightens easily.她很容易受惊吓.He doesn"t frighten ealily.他不容易被吓到.
