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发布时间:2019-07-09 07:26:37    来源:精华作文网    访问:


(1) [考研英语作文]考研英语作文万能模板_各类文章开头模板

From the cartoon we can see that_____.
We can see from the cartoon that_____.
As is indicated in the cartoon, _____.
We can deduce from these two vivid drawings that_____.
What has been describe in the cartoon carries great implications for our life, esp. how to_____.
What it illustrates is a common phenomenon in today"s society, and it conveys the symbolic meaning of_____.
What is the purpose of the drawer of this cartoon? In the first place,_____. In the second place,_____.
There are quite a few possible reasons suggested here. To begin with,_____. In the second place,_____. Finally,_____.
There are some possible reasons for this tendency. To begin with,_____. In the second place,_____. Finally,_____.
What caused the effect? There are at least two possible reasons. To begin with,_____. In the second place,_____.
It is, therefore, necessary that efforts should be made to cope with the problem as early as possible.
We should take immediate measures, for if the present situation continues as before, serious outcome will come up.
As far as I am concerned, my suggestions as to ___are as follows.
It is clear that ___plays a important role in our life and work.
There may be some other reasons responsible for ___, but I think what has been mentioned above is generally acceptable.
This is my point of view as to how to___, and I am sure that my ideas are both sound and reasonable.
A case in point is my neighbor, who_____.
I"d like to quote a further example here.
According to a recent survey made by professor Wang, head of social department in Peking University, 90% of the people across the country are suffering from the problem.
Another survey also shows that the trend is turning from bad to worse.
Only in this way can we_____.
In the first place, ___. In the second place, ___. Last but not the least, ___.
To begin with, ___. Furthermore, ___. The most important of all, ___.
On the one hand, ___. On the other hand, ___. In addition, ___.
For one thing, ___. For another, ___. What"s more, ___.
First of all, ___. In the second place, ___. Conversely, ____.

(2) [考研英语作文]An Study of College Students’ Traveling Purposes_考研英语作文范文高校学

An Study of College Students’ Traveling Purposes_考研英语作文范文高校学生旅行目的调查250字
As can be apparently illustrated /depicted in the pie graph, the purposes of the students of a college can be divided into five parts, with admiring the scenery and relieving the pressure, making friends, developing their independent capabilities and the rest accounting for 37 %, 33%, 6%, 9% and 15 % respectively. Isolated as the figures seem to be in the pie graph, as a matter of fact, they are connected with one another closely.
Obviously, a variety of complicated factors contribute to the phenomenon illustrated in the chart above, with the following two ones being the foremost. To begin with, among the most convincing reasons offered by people for this phenomenon, one should be emphasized that the improvement of our society and the progress of science and technology put the most pressure on the college students, which make them tired and bored toward their work and study. In addition to this, another equally vital point to be considered is that college students’ attitudes towards travel constitute a major reason for the phenomenon.
Just as an old proverb says, “every coin has its two sides.” The situation of college students’ traveling is no exception. From what has been discussed above, what we should pay attention is to encourage the positive effects and eliminate its negative influence as far as possible.

(3) [考研英语作文]考研英语:作文结尾段常用谚语36句

1、Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。
2、God helps those who help themselves. 天助自助者。
3、Easier said than done. 说起来容易做起来难。
4、Where there is a will,there is a way. 有志者事竟成。
5、One false step will make a great difference. 失之毫厘,谬之千里。
6、Slow and steady wins the race. 稳扎稳打无往而不胜。
7、A fall into the pit,a gain in your wit. 吃一堑,长一智。
8、Experience is the mother of wisdom. 实践出真知。
9、All work and no play makes jack a dull boy. 只工作不休息,聪明孩子也变傻。
10、Beauty without virtue is a rose without fragrance. 无德之美犹如没有香味的玫瑰,徒有其表。
11、More hasty,less speed. 欲速则不达。
12、It’s never too old to learn. 活到老,学到老。
13、All that glitters is not gold. 闪光的未必都是金子。
14、A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.千里之行始于足下。
15、Look before you leap. 三思而后行。
16、Rome was not built in a day. 伟业非一日之功。
17、Great minds think alike. 英雄所见略同。
18、well begun,half done. 好的开始等于成功的一半。
19、It is hard to please all. 众口难调。
20、Out of sight,out of mind. 眼不见,心不念。
21、Facts speak plainer than words. 事实胜于雄辩。
22、Call back white and white back. 颠倒黑白。
23、First things first. 凡事有轻重缓急。
24、Ill news travels fast. 坏事传千里。
25、A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真情。
26、live not to eat,but eat to live. 活着不是为了吃饭,吃饭为了活着。
27、Action speaks louder than words. 行动胜过语言。
28、East or west,home is the best. 金窝银窝不如自家草窝。
29、It’s not the gay coat that makes the gentleman. 君子在德不在衣。
30、Beauty will buy no beef. 漂亮不能当饭吃。
31、Like and like make good friends. 趣味相投。
32、The older, the wiser. 姜是老的辣。
33、Do as Romans do in Rome. 入乡随俗。
34、An idle youth,a needy age. 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。
35、As the tree,so the fruit. 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。
36、To live is to learn,to learn is to better live. 活着为了学习,学习为了更好的活着。

(4) [考研英语作文]cultural exchange_文化交流考研英语作文220字

cultural exchange_文化交流考研英语作文220字
It is a thought-provoking picture, which makes use of the symbol of--- to emphasize the importance of integration of different cultures.
No one will deny the saying that it is of great significance to have one’s own cultures combined with the outside world. On the one hand, as a well-known writer once said, “Everyone is not an island, but a part of the world.” Owing to the interaction between 2 different cultures, great improvement has been made for it is a culture-interaction process, which achieves the mutual development in all society and attains the identification of the world culture. And on the other hand, the individual who accepts a contest of different cultures can cultivate his potential, broaden his horizon and obtain his cognitive process.
Therefore, lots of actions should be taken to welcome this kind of activity. First, opportunities should be provided from all fields. To further illustrate this, it is essential for individuals to get information from all aspects, such as surfing on the Internet, or having a conversation with friends in the communities around. All in all, effects should be made from all walks of life in a proper time.

(5) [考研英语作文]Food safety_食品安全考研英语作文220字

Food safety_食品安全考研英语作文220字
Recently, a popular/serious/hot topic comes into the eyes of our universal bodies as the cartoon depicts. From the picture, we can see that a middle-age housewife, perplexed and terrified, is picking out her daily diet from a pile of undesirable things, such as illegal-cooking oil, fruits with excessive pesticide and the like.
It seems that there are many factors can be mentioned and accounted for this kind of case, and in my perspective, the followings are the obvious and have a far-fetching influence. On the one hand, the merchants in an increasing number are aiming at maximizing their profits with the minimal principal in the wider ranges of competitive and more open social background. On the other hand, it is the incomplete system of law that has less supervision of the producing and processing of commodities.
Considering all the points discussed, it is highly sensible that we should take prompt measures to resolve this problem. In the first place, more bettering policies should be brought forward. In the second,more moral schooling should be applied in all communities. Only by enforcing these measures, can we effectively, efficiently, and eventually solve the problem.

(6) [考研英语作文]Believe Youself_相信自己英语作文

Believe Youself_相信自己英语作文
When we intend to do a thing, we adapt to listening to others" advice. Today we have accepted many advices but we still think our lives are not good.
There is a interesting, which some people like to tell you how to do. But if you act on their ideas and fail, they are never willing to be responsibility for your fail and say:" It has nothing to do with me." Hence, we shouldn"t let others" words dispose our fate. Of course, you can find some your mistakes from others" advice. But you need to know who will make a decision finally. If we act on our plans and fail, we won"t feel regretful. But if you act on others" plans and fail, you will regret and complain.
Finally, fail is not horrible for us, it is more terrible that you fear to believe yourself.
